On Sunday April 19 diabetic children will be holding a fundraising car wash to help the Southwestern Diabetic Assoc. The Assoc. helps fund a camp for diabetic children, but does not fund the camp 100% and the camp director had to borrow about $200,000.00 last year to keep the doors open.
This camp denies no diabetic child and this is where the money problem comes in as a lot of diabetic children can't afford to go to any camp.
The car wash will be at the Taco Shack at 4002 N. Lamar. from 1-3pm.
Come get your car washed and help support diabetic kids.
Visit http://www.CampSweeney.org for more info, pictures and videos.
Thanks - Rick Russell
Official Website: http://www.CampSweeney.org
Added by CharlieNB on April 8, 2009