39000 1st Avenue
Bloomingdale, Michigan 49026

What is Camp Quest ? Camp Quest is the first residential summer camp in the history of the United States for the children of Atheists, Freethinkers, Secular Humanists, Humanists, Brights, or whatever other terms might be applied to those who hold to a naturalistic, not supernatural world view.

Hey kids and parents! It's time to start planning for Camp Quest 2010!

Camp Quest's purpose is to provide children of irreligious parents with a residential summer camp, dedicated to improving the human condition through rational inquiry, critical and creative thinking, scientific method, self-respect, ethics, competency, democracy, free speech, and the separation of religion and government guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States.

For details visit the Camp Quest SITE!

Cost: $500 per camper, $475 for siblings of camper paying full fee ($450 if enrolled before May 1, 2010 - $425 for siblings).

Contact: Camp Quest Inc., campquest-mi@comcast.net

Official Website: http://www.cfimichigan.org/events/event/campquest-2010/

Added by barry_tikkanen on May 22, 2010

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