"What is CAMP FIREFIGHT? An extreme sports show focused around timed competition of 2 military style missions. Contestants compete in pairs by running a predetermined course, completing course objectives along the way and eliminating opposition forces known as Hunter Force. Prizes are then awarded to top scoring Contestants. CAMP FIREFIGHT will be aired on many of your favorite forums and websites. As well as regional broadcast networks starting in Ohio. CAMP FIREFIGHT will begin airing august 2010. The show will be filmed Jun 25-27th 2010.
The show will be 27 minutes total length and will feature two contestant teams per show as they run the course and compete for the best score. The show will use both fixed and gorilla cameras to capture the action. The show will be shot over the course of 3 days and produce approximately 13 episodes.
There will be 12 Hunter Force members. Hunter Force will always have one goal. Stop the contestants by shooting them. Each pair of participants will choose 6 opposing hunters per mission.
Contestants will leave Camp Firefight and proceed along the course route. They will have forty five minutes to complete each course and return to Camp Firefight. Contestants will have to eliminate Hunter Force members and complete course objectives using any means at their disposal providing they do not leave course boundaries or violate safety concerns.
deployment/registration info: http://campfirefight.com/deploy.htm
The set of camp firefight (located on battlefront paintball property) will be catered and spirited by Millers Catering of Connellsville, Andy Miller 724-626-6836
Sections of the field will be available for eliminated participants to play Airsoft for the remainder of the weekend.
Location: www.battlefrontpaintball.com
Amped Airsoft is providing first place: TWO PTWs and second place: TWO Echo 1s they are also providing various supporting equipment and props. www.ampedairsoft.com
Opforce/DG www.airsoftgasblowbacks.com is providing the participants training systems. You will not use your own aeg or gbb. You will use the one provided. The participant can and is required to bring a side arm. Opforce/DG will also be holding a raffle on the 25th.
Our (Omen Industries) intention is to make an explosive competition show specifically for airsofters to enjoy. We know we could never capture a milsim Airsoft event. We hope that everyone will enjoy what we feel will be a fun project for all.
Please stay tuned as we finish the shows website.
Registration is now open!
Update: You will be the first to get their hands on the new m series Opforce/DGs promising the most realistic ACTION the world has ever seen in an airsoft replica. In the world of electric you have the PTW in the world of bottles you have Opforce/DG. When youre talking the most realistic training weapons out there? CAMP FIREFIGHT has them all! (Camp Firefight)"
Official Website: http://www.campfirefight.com
Added by mblast.vteams on May 2, 2010