One Hegenberger
Oakland, California 94621

Workshops for Mental Health Professionals on a variety of timely topics: How to Build a Full and Rewarding Fee-for-Service Private Practice with Casey Truffo. Co-sponsored by; Bridging the Gap: Emotional and Relationship Aspects of Pituitary Tumors and Neuroendocrine Disorcers, co-sponsored by; Emotionally Focuses Couples Therapy: An Attachment Approach to Relationship Issues with Ann Margulies; Pharmacotherapy: Integrating New Tools into Practice, co-sponsored by NAADAC; Untangling the Web: Understanding and Treating Sex and Pornography Addiction with Robert Weiss; MFTs in Public Mental Health by Marianne Batista; Children and Teens: Assessing Violent and Non-Violent Behaviors with Ronald Mah; and What Does the Law Expect of Me? Part III with Dave Jensen, J.D.

Official Website:

Added by planner on July 16, 2007

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