Catholics@Work is proud to announce Ms. Mary Cunningham Agee, Cambridge Who's Who 2009 Social Entrepreneur of the Year and twice voted by World Almanac as one of the "Twenty-five most influential women in America," will be the featured speaker at its monthly breakfast event, Tuesday, April 13, 2010. Agee's talk will focus on the moral and social power of the Nurturing Network which she founded and presently serves as its President and Chief Executive Officer.
Mary Elizabeth Cunningham Agee is the mother of three children - one of whom died in a second term miscarriage twenty years ago. It was this personal loss that redirected her mind from Fortune 500 strategic issues to helping woman who feel a sense of despair and hopelessness because of unwanted pregnancies; a critical societal issue that is often ignored in today's society. This sense of purpose led her to establish The Nurturing Network an international charitable organization comprised of over 42,000 volunteer resource members who provide for all of the urgent and practical needs of women with unplanned pregnancies.
Mary has talked about how she believes that times of extreme suffering, in our lives, is really God tapping us on our shoulder and extending an invitation for us to take some action that will help us help ourselves by helping others. Mary will share with us some key milestones on her journey, how The Nurturing Network is making a difference and how, we as caring Christians, can in our own ways reach out with hope to touch a need and make a difference.
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Added by FullCalendar on April 1, 2010