Fancy some urban outdoor action after work, why not join us out in Camberwell for another evening "mapping party"?
OpenStreetMap is an editable map of the whole world, which is being built largely from scratch by the community and released with an open content license.
This Tuesday we'll be aiming to fill in some more details in our data around Camberwell before meeting in the pub. It is open to everyone whether you are already an active member of the openstreetmap community or just curious to find out more about the project. Have a go at mapping (e.g. with a pencil and a printout), or just come along and join us in "The Bear" pub!
We're meeting in the pub at around 8pm. Newcomers welcome! When you arrive in the pub look out for people with GPS units/ maps. Also make a note of this: Contact: Shaun McDonald 07879610632
Before that though, we'll be arriving in the area at around 6:30 to do some mapping. If you're interested in joining in with that, check the website details
Added by Harry Wood on August 24, 2009