Camas and Second
Fairfield, Idaho 83327

The Camas Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce the dates for this year’s Camas Lily Days Celebration, an annual FESTIVAL of SPRING, to be held in Fairfield, Idaho. This year’s celebration dates will be Saturday and Sunday, May 30 and 31. Many activities are planned to be enjoyed by the whole family.
Events include the KID’S FISHING DERBY on Sat. beginning at 8 am at the Kid’s Pond, and an ARTS & CRAFTS show to be held on Sat. from 12 noon until 4 pm and Sun. from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Library board will be selling walking tacos (YUM!) while they last. The Chamber of Commerce will have a BREAKFAST in the park from 8am to 11 am. Sunday there will be a FUN RUN (call for information). We look forward to making this an event that will develop into a premier celebration of Spring and the Arts in Idaho. The Homecoming is part of an educational component for tribal members and the local community surrounding Fairfield. The public is invited.

Official Website:

Added by lk.mennenga on April 28, 2009