Visual artist Calvin Coleman, II will display his works and talk to guets at the Adobe Design Center located at 606-C Rhode Island Avenue NE (near the Rhode Island Avenue METRO station) in Washington, DC on Sunday, April 22, 2007 from 2pm to 4:30pm. He has exhibited at the National Black Fine Art Show in New York City, galleries in Philadelphia, Chicago, Atlanta, and throughout the Washington, DC area. In late 2006, he exhibited in Toulouse, France. His work is also featured in UNVEILED, a book by well-known R&B-jazz singer and photographer Will Downing.
Art will be available for purchase; refreshments will be served.This event is being hosted by the Arts and Letters committee of The Federal City Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorortiy, Inc. For more info, call (202) 545-1913.
Official Website:
Added by JoyceK6 on April 20, 2007