4470 Old Post Road
Charlestown, Rhode Island 02813

Calling Planet Earth Music Festival is the first year festival making
it's home in Charlestown, Rhode Island. (Yes RI is a actual state) In deciding where
to hold the festival we couldn't think of a more beautiful location than Ninigret Park.

The mission of Calling Planet Earth Music Festival is to promote social responsibility of the environment through collective
entertainment and education. Through this three-day, camping, FAMILY-oriented music and environmental
awareness festival we hope to encourage all inhabitants of this little planet to take responsibility for their actions.

Our charities are also a concern for us. We will be donating portions of the proceeds from this event to
worthwhile charities. The charities we will be working with are the March Of Dimes, OSCIL (Ocean State Center
for Independent Living), H.O.P.E Foundation, and the wonderful folks at Strangers Helping Strangers will
be handling the food drive. Don't forget your can goods and non-perishables. Every little bit helps!!!
By working and sharing with these wonderful organizations, CPEMF is hoping to not only make an impact on
Planet Earth but also the overall health and well-being of us all. Don't miss the "Calling".

Added by rockchickny on September 22, 2009