The Contemporary Jewish Museum announces a call for photos that express “being Jewish” in the Bay Area today. Culture, ritual, ethics, humor, food, community, family, friends—you decide how you would like to represent “being Jewish.” A collage of these photos will be part of the Museum’s inaugural exhibition in our new Mission Street building in downtown San Francisco’s Yerba Buena cultural district, opening June 8, 2008. We invite you to help us create this contemporary portrait of our diverse communities!
How to Participate
1. Email digital or scanned photos to (We recommend a minimum of one megapixel or 300 DPI.)
2. Mail photo prints or digital photos on disks to:
Contemporary Jewish Museum
ATTN Call for Photos
736 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
You can submit up to five photos. Please note that we cannot return any photos submitted for consideration.
Due to limited space we will not be able to use every photo for the collage. Photos will be chosen based on their appropriateness for the exhibition, including quality of the images and their ability to uniquely convey the theme of “being Jewish” in the Bay Area. We will contact you if we use your photos.
Information and Release Forms
Each submission must include completed and signed Information and Release forms. To download these forms, visit the Museum website, To request the forms by mail, please call Lisa Chanoff, 415-655-7844. Completed forms can be mailed, or faxed to 415-655-7815.
The submission deadline is March 3, 2008.
For more information: Contact Lisa Chanoff,, 415-655-7844, or visit
Official Website:
Added by CJM on February 19, 2008