4528 1/2 N. Damen Ave
Chicago, Illinois 60625

CALL FOR PHOTO ENTRIES ?Supernatural Chicago?

Theme: Supernatural Chicago: Seeking the otherworldly in the mundane.

Juror: Nazarin Hamid, Creative Director, GapersBlock.com

Damen Studio Gallery
4528? N. Damen Ave.
Chicago, IL 60625

Deadline for entries: May 21st, 2006
Exhibition Dates: June 16th ? July 16th, 2006
Entrance Fee : $35 for the first 5 entries. $5 for each additional entry up to 8 images total. Students and seniors $25/for the first 5 entries.

An exhibition of photography ?Supernatural Chicago: Seeking the otherworldly in the mundane? will be curated by Nazarin Hamid, Creative Director of the website GapersBlock.com and shown at Damen Studio, a gallery in Chicago's Ravenswood neighborhood. Digital, alternative processes and traditional prints will be accepted in the show, but all judging will take place from JPGs (see submission guidelines below).

Nazarin Hamid is a photographer, designer, and avid cyclist. In addition to being creative director at Gapers Block, he keeps a daily photo blog at www.absenter.org and edits ?Rearview,? the Gapers Block photoblog.

Submission guidelines:
Please e-mail photos to info@damenstudio.com. Submissions must be in .jpg format, 72dpi and approx. 700 pixels on the longest side. Please name your jpgs using your first initial, last name and a number, starting with 1 (i.e. jsmith1.jpg, jsmith2.jpg etc). Please include the title of the piece and corresponding number in the body of the e-mail along with framed dimensions

You will receive an e-mail from PayPal asking for the fee. If you would prefer to pay by check, please indicate this in your e-mail and send a check made out to Sarah Hadley, not Damen Studio to the address above. Please also indicate if you are a student or senior in your e-mail.

While the exhibition is open to photographers not currently living in the Chicago area, we cannot accept shipped pieces at the gallery, so you must have someone who lives locally drop off and pick up your work for you.

Important dates:
May 21st ? Deadline for entries and payment to be received.
June 1st - Artists will be notified of acceptance.
June 11th - Artists bring work framed and ready to hang.
June 16th - Opening reception.
July 16th - Exhibition Closes.

Added by arteyvidachicago.com on March 28, 2006