PO BOX 975
New York, New York


Queer Black Cinema presents the long awaited New York Black LGBTQ Film & Music Festival: QBC International Film & Music Festival October 23- 26, 2008 (NEW DATE)
Queer Black Cinema International Film and Music Festival accepts film and video submissions produced, written and/or directed by filmmakers of African descent in the U.S and internationally. Films must be LGBTQ themed, highlight Black LGBTQ characters in leading roles that are seen in non-stereotypical light, forefront the significance of Black-on-Black/POC LGBTQ love/relationships and preserve the culture and history through in-depth storytelling. More than half of the key crew positions must be filled by people who identify themselves as a person of color on a daily bases.

Music artist, submit your music today! We are looking for serious artist with a message behind their music to perform at our festival.
Regular Deadline May 1, 2008 (postmarked) $20 entry fee.
Final deadline July 1, 2008 (must be RECEIVED on or before date)
Enter early and higher your chances of getting a spot in the festival.
Regardless of the length all submissions requires a US postal money order $20 submission fee payable to W. Brown memo: QBC Film Submission ( US postal Money only)
Download the submission form and requirements at:

Sponsorship packages available contact: Toni Smith info@queerblackcinema.org

Official Website: http://www.queerblackcinema.org/index_files/festival.htm

Added by queerblackcinema on March 22, 2008

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