Now through June 1 (Entry deadline is June 1, 2012)
The Town of Danville is hosting the Second Invitational Juried Exhibition in the Village Theatre Art Gallery and would like to encourage all accomplished, mid-career and emerging artists living in the United States to apply. The theme for the Second Annual Juried Exhibition is Spaces and Places.
Artwork considered for this exhibition will depict either a real, invented or a psychological space or place. Creative interpretations encouraged. Work produced in the last three years is preferred. Accepted media includes painting, drawing, printmaking, photography, sculpture, ceramics and mixed media. Sorry no video or performance art will be accepted at this time.
The juror for this exhibition is DeWitt Cheng, a San Francisco-based art critic who writes for Art Ltd., Artillery, Sculpture, Huffington Post, Visual Art Source, East Bay Express and He has degrees in art history and studio art, and does freelance writing and curating.
The deadline to submit entries for Spaces and Places is before 5:00 p.m. on June 1. Any entries received after that date or that are incomplete will not be considered. Entries will not be returned. Artists will be notified of the results by e-mail no later than 5:00 p.m. on June 8. For entry forms visit www.villagetheatreartgallery.
Dates to Remember
June 1: Entry Forms, payment and images due by 5:00pm
June 8: Artist notifications of juror's results via email or phone if requested
June 21: Deadline for delivery of artwork (8:30am-5:00pm)
June 28: Opening Reception 5:00pm-8:00pm
August 10: Exhibition Closes
August 13 - 15: Pick-up of artwork: Shipped artwork at the artists request and expense. The Village Theatre Art Gallery will charge a storage fee of $10 per day after September 2 and is released from any liability due to property damage, etc.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on April 10, 2012