7/2/2004 - 9pm - $6
Call and Response
w/ Birds of America
Call and Response: "Right from the get-go, the album's somber instrumentation is affecting. Simone Rubi and Carrie Clough's lead vocals are as impressive as ever, recalling the dulcet sophistication of Laetitia Sadier, yet they're now underscored by downbeat drumming, subdued bass progressions and sighing harmonies from the rest of the band. Minor chords ever-present, while Farfisas and Moogs linger in the background; "Eclipse" even quivers along on jangly guitar dynamics reminiscent of the mid-'80s Flying Nun scene. It adds up to an unmatched aural serenity, but there's a frightening urgency in the lyrics that lends a disquieting sense to the proceedings." - Splendid Magazine
Birds of America: "We've recently received word from the ever elusive Nat Russell(creator of all of Isota's beautiful album and 7" artwork) that after nearly 3 years the debut album by Birds of America is complete."
Added by minjungkim on June 28, 2004