Costumed docents will help your 4th grade students step back in time to the first European explorers to visit this area and the settlers that followed them. California History Day has been designed to support the student's learning of our state's early history from the days of the first explorers to the early twentieth century. While not intended to provide a complete history, it will support the history program set forth by the state and provide concrete learning experiences that students will remember for years to come. Students experience history as they make adobe bricks, build split rail fences and learn how to build log cabins. Students will pan for gold as they learn about the hard work of the 49ers and learn how oil became a major economic force in the county. $7.00 per student. To sign up your class, call Lily at 661-852-5050. General public is welcome; regular admission rates apply.
Added by Upcoming Robot on April 20, 2010