Jason Womack - Keynote Speaker
Enjoy a keynote address by professional workplace coach Jason Womack, M.Ed., M.A. Jason’s degrees in Education and Psychology couple together to help others implement change in their professional and personal lives. He applies this wealth of knowledge to learning environments to help solve the day-to-day challenges of work/life balance in an era of increased accountability.
Track I
Solution Focused School Counseling 101 with Dr. Linda Metcalf (morning)
This workshop presents the foundation for the solution focused approach as it applies to the busy school counselor’s agenda. This workshop will include case studies that illustrate how the solution focused approach works with typical school related issues of misbehavior, lack of motivation, ADHD, anger, defiance and resistance. Participants will learn steps to begin building a solution focused school counseling program.
Practical Steps to Implementing the new California Standards for the School Counseling Profession with Loretta Whitson and Kathy Rapkin (afternoon)
A renaissance is occurring for California school counselors that is changing the face of the profession. The California Standards for the School Counseling Profession (CSSCP), published in May 2008, defines the unique contributions of school counselors and establishes the core content for quality school counseling practices in California. California school counselors have turned a historical page in their progression with the passage of AB 1802 in 2006; it is now incumbent on us to collectively take the next step in implementing the CSSCP. This workshop will explore best-practices in each of the six standard areas and participants will learn how to utilize the CSSCP to develop performance expectancies and to prompt school districts to adopt and implement the CSSCP. Attendees will receive a free paperback version of the CSSCP document (a $15.00 value).
Track II
Practical Steps to Implementing the new California Standards for the School Counseling Profession with Loretta Whitson and Kathy Rapkin (morning)
Advanced Solution Focused School Counseling: Building Skills (afternoon)
This workshop is for those individuals who have previously attended Dr. Metcalf’s trainings. It offers the school counselor advanced application of the solution focused approach including group counseling, parent conferences, Response to Intervention (RTI) and solution focused interventions for depression, ADHD, anger, substance and sexual abuse. The session will involve a variety of role plays to help the participant practice and understand the solution focused approach and is meant to be a skill building experience using motion pictures and case studies to help explain the process.
Official Website: http://www.schoolcounselor-ca.org/2008conference_highlights.cfm
Added by JasonWomack on November 2, 2008