723 - 46 Avenue SE
Calgary, Alberta

Users of the Flickr photo-hosting website. Amateur to pro photographers.

Meet at Tim Horton's at 12:30 and chat with other Flickr users in Calgary.

Then head out (probably 1-1:30ish) on a group photo stroll in the Bonnybrook industrial area. We'll be carpooling from the coffee shop to Bonnybrook.

There's an ongoing discussion on Flickr about this meet.

Added by Grant Neufeld on March 22, 2006


Grant Neufeld

Probably coming (but not yet rsvp'd on this listing):
hamfist3d, artery.e, seventytw0dpi, Veronkia Lake, EV Comp, OldDogNewTrick, Lemon Frosted, Sandy Girl, ElsinoreBrreweryBTeam, bok-choy, thorinside, buglugs, MyDarkroom.