“When we separate music from life we get art.” John Cage
John Cage (1912–1992) is regarded as one of the most important composers and controversial figures of his time. In a global but often polarised world, the cheerful and reasonable voice of Cage is sobering in its simplicity.
His piece 4'33", is possibly the most famous and important piece in twentieth century avant-garde. A ‘silent’ piece for solo performer dates from 1952 and forever changed the notion of what music, and what performance can be.
This mini festival is a unique collaboration between the singers of The Song Company and the musicians of Ensemble Offspring. Over three distinct programs, three particular aspects of Cage are explored, featuring no less than ten works by Cage, many of his later period, and a number of new creations written as a response by composers such as David Young, Stephen Adams, Colin Bright, Michael Smetanin and others. The intervals between the three performances are a wonderful opportunity to explore the CarriageWorks and to talk at your leisure about your responses to Cage over a cup of coffee. Video material will be on display with spoken introduction to each of the three concerts by Roland Peelman.
“The useless tree that gave so much shade. The usefulness of the useless is good news for artists. For art serves no material purpose. It has to do with changing minds and spirits. The minds and spirits of people are changing. Not only in New York, but everywhere. It is time to give a concert of modern music in Africa. The change is not disruptive. It is cheerful.” John Cage
“I am an optimist. That is my raison d’etre. But by the news each day, I have been in a sense made dumb. In 1973 I began another instalment of my diary: How to improve the world (You will only make matters worse): it remained unfinished.”
3pm: TO THE SEA...
JOHN CAGE Litany for the Whale (1980), MATTHEW SHLOMOWITZ Slow Flipping Harmony (2006), COLIN BRIGHT The Last Whale (2007)
5pm: TO THE EARTH...
DAVID YOUNG to keep things reasonable [ad res modicas conservandes]. new work (2007), JOHN CAGE Forever and sunsmell (1944), JOHN CAGE Solos for voice (1970/71), JOHN CAGE Four6 (1992), FREDERIK RZEWSKI To the Earth (1985)
7.30pm: TO THE AIR...
JOHN CAGE 4’33” (1952), STEPHEN ADAMS A Short Service (2007), JOHN CAGE Chorals for violin Solo (1978), MAYKE NAS Anyone can do it (2006), JOHN CAGE Five (1988), MICHAEL SMETANIN Due Pezzi Per Niente (2006), JOHN CAGE ear for EAR (Antiphonies) (1983), JOHN CAGE Three2 (1991),
CAGE UNCAGED is directed by Roland Peelman
Official Website: http://www.songcompany.com.au/templates/tp_ThisPage.asp?pid=671&mpid=14&ptid=2&bcp=0
Added by missnae on August 16, 2007