3165 Alpine Ave.
Walker, Michigan 49544

Café Inquiry is a casual event starting with a short 10-15 minute introduction of the day's topic followed by open discussion. At 11:15 we will break for coffee/brunch and a chance to socialize.

Our topic will be "Art and the Zen of Visual Perception: What You Get Is Not What You See," presented by Charles LaRue.

Members are welcome to propose and schedule a topic which would be of interest toward establishing a secular society based on science, reason, freedom of inquiry, and humanist values. Please contact Bob Collins if you have a topic that you would like to discuss at an upcoming Café Inquiry.

Cost: Free

Contact: Bob Collins, bcollins@centerforinquiry.net, 616-638-1957

Official Website: http://www.cfimichigan.org/events/event/w-ci-071810/

Added by barry_tikkanen on July 17, 2010

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