4006 University Way NE
Seattle, Washington

Seattle Area Archivists is putting on a new ongoing event called Cafe des fonds...if you are an archivist (or maybe a librarian) you will get the reference.

The first gathering will be at the College Inn Pub. Please join us in the
Snug Room for a presentation by Lisa Cohen and Emily Glenn of the
Pacific Northwest Lesbian Archives and Nora Mukaihata and Kathryn Higgins of Zine Archives and Publishing Project (ZAPP) @ Richard Hugo House. A question and answer period will follow.


Monday November 3rd
College Inn Pub
4000 University Way NE
Seattle, WA 98105

Please RSVP to Heather Davis (hcddavis@mac.com) if you plan on
attending so she can get an idea of how many people to expect.

All you need bring with you is a thirst for knowledge and drink.

Official Website: http://www.historylink.org/saa

Added by Heather Davis on November 2, 2008

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