If you really want to see Derek Webb in Dallas, go see him on March 8th for only $10 instead of the $20 The Door is charging. He's playing at Live@Mokah (2803 Taylor Street) which is one of the hottest new venues in town. It's also the cleanest venue I've ever been too. Tickets are on sale at liveatmokah.com and the processing fee is only $1.00! You can't beat that!
If you really want to see Derek Webb in Dallas, go see him on March 8th for only $10 instead of the $20 The Door is charging. He's playing at Live@Mokah (2803 Taylor Street) which is one of the hottest new venues in town. It's also the cleanest venue I've ever been too. Tickets are on sale at liveatmokah.com and the processing fee is only $1.00! You can't beat that!