Hey Kids,
Come Celebrate My Birthday!
It’s July! It’s my birthday month. So as the sands pass through the hour glass …these are the days of my life. In previous years I’ve put on huge production parties for my birthday.
This year I decided I’d give the gift of simplicity to myself. So since one of my favorite things is spending time with friends and performing, I figured it would be perfect if I celebrated my birthday during this month’s Sylvia and Tor Show. So come on down to the glamorous Orient Express and fill up the room!
July 22, 2010 8:00 pm – 10:00pm.
No Cover just questionable oriental food and cabaret!
Hope to see you kids. I love you all!
Much love,
Official Website: http://www.facebook.com/sylviaandtor
Added by ohmislife on July 8, 2010