The Brown/ Parrish Black College Bus Tour is an annual bus tour that allows inner city youths the opportunity to visit six (6) Historical Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). The tour encourages students to consider attending a HBCU and guide students on how to seek financial assistance.
In 1992, the tour was co-named after CHARLIE PARRISH, a former corporate representative of a major soft drink company. Each year Mr. Parrish provided funding, products or promotional materials to make the trip a success. Upon his retirement, the Queens Community Cadet Corps named the tour after him.In January 2000, Ms. Brown's name was added to the title. Over the years, the Brown/Parrish Black College Bus Tour has grown tremendously. More than 1000 high school students have experienced the excitement of visiting the east coast HBCUs on our annual tour. Many of these young people presently attend a HBCU or have graduated from a HBCU and assumed professional careers.The Brown/Parrish Black College Bus Tour is becoming one of the most popular Bus Tours on the East Coast. High School students from across the country are enrolling in this tour. A typical day will have students leaving their hotel room around 7:30am to travel to the first college they will spend approximately 2.5 to 3 hours on the campus learning about the college, it's curriculum and admission policy. Next the students will travel to a second college in the area have lunch on the campus and start the college tour process again. After the final college tour the students head to the next city, write in their journals about their experiences and get ready to do it all over again.
Tour C
Howard University
Bowie State University
Norfolk State University
Lincoln University-->
University Of Maryland Eastern Shore
*Locations subject to change.
How long is the tour? The tour will take the total of3 days.
Are parents allowed to go on the tour? No. This is an opportunity to allow young adults to prepare themselves for college and a chance to depend on themselves and their fellow students.
How will parents be able to track their children? Each parent is provided with a tracking sheet. This sheet will havs a daily location of hotels and contact information.
How many chaperones are there on tour? There will be (1) chaperone per (10) students.
How do you pick your chaperones? Chaperones will come from either the company or close association with various organizations.
How long do the students stay on the Bus.? During our daily travels, visiting schools and before reaching the next hotel, students can be on the bus for approximately (6 9 hours per day).
What medical experience is available on the tour? At least(1) chaperone has CPR experience.
What free time is available for the tour? Students will have some variety of free time during the tour. The bulk of free time will take place during the hotel stay.
Who qualifies to be on the tour? All students who are between the age of 15 18 or in the 10th grade thru 12th gradewill qualify for the tour.
Regulations & Rules of Attire
Attire: Campus visits
Students are required to attend orientations dressed in business casual attire.
Slacks, shirt, shoes, (no Timberland type boots or sneakers during work), jacket or sweater (no artwork or logos).
Suits (pants or skirt), dress, skirts (no more than four (4) inches above knee), flats or low heels. Jackets or sweaters (no artwork or logos)
All students: Personal appearance must be neat. Hair must be neat. You can wear braids but they must be neat. No Doo rags, kerchiefs, bandanas or sweat bands. No excessive jewelry.
Parents/Students please note: On the days we are visiting campuses, we will not ask all student to change into proper attire. It is clearly understood all Students are required to attend orientations dressed in business casual attire Any student who does not comply will remain on the bus.
Please be mindful that all lunches are provided by the school cafeteria and continental breakfast at each hotel.
Attire after daily tours:
Males: No pants hanging below the waist and without holes or tears. No Doo rags outside of the bus. No offensive writing or artwork on clothing. Boots must be laced and tied.
Females: No short skirts, shorts, low cut tops or revealing or tight fitting clothing. No holes or tears.
Once we have finished our last visit of the day if students want to change into traveling clothes they may. This will be done using the bus restroom only! We will not allow students to go out of group to use the school facilities.
Students are not to be outside of their rooms in sleepwear, underwear, shirtless or shoeless
Students, who do not comply with the rules and regulation of Brown/Parrish Black College Bus Tour, will be finned the following:
1st offense- verbal warning
2nd offense- $5.00 fine and phone call to parent.
3rd + offense- $10.00 fine and phone call to parent per incident.
4th Offence Student will be sent home. (Parent is responsible for all expenses)
Cigarette smoking will not be allowed during the tour.
Please bring any and all necessary medications.
Health Insurance card.
Please bring at least a prepaid phone or cell phone
Bring at less6 copies of your (Transcript, PSAT, SAT Scores or other important documents)
It is recommended that you travel with travelers checks instead of cash.
Each student should at least travel with $100- $150 for the total tour.
Each student will receive (2) MEALS per day. They are responsible for their dinner each day.
Bring (1) blanket / pillow for the bus.
(2) forms of ID to get on the bus.
You may bring cameras, movies and entertaining games.
Bring (1) box lunch for the first day.
TMI Enterprise, Inc is now the Marketing / Promotional company for the Brown/ Parrish Black College Bus Tour.
Organized by C.O.L.A
Ticket Info: Bus Tour (B) April 15-17, $504.95
Official Website: http://colablackcollegebustour-upcoming.eventbrite.com