Explore the myriad of exciting new features available today in C# 3.0/.NET 3.5 including Lambdas, Automatic Properties, Object/Collection Initializers, Extension Methods, and LINQ. Dig into real world uses of these features, talk a little about their history, and take a brief glimpse into the future of .NET technology. You should leave the event with a good understanding of what's out there and how you can get started with the latest productivity enhancing features of C# 3.0 and .NET 3.5.
Registration is required to attend this event. Please visit the event's homepage to register.
Speaker: JD Conley
JD is an entrepreneur and consultant focused on building consumer facing desktop and web software products. As a founder of two Sacramento area technology companies, Coversant and ittybittysoft, he has had the luxury of experimenting with bleeding edge technology coming out of Redmond. These experiences are documented in his blog: " Starin' at the Wall 2.0". He was recently a technical reviewer for a new book titled "C# in Depth". Prior to his entrepreneur days, JD developed critical line of business software for Malibu Boats, E & J Gallo Winery, and the Associated Press.
Official Website: http://www.sacnetug.org/sacnet/
Added by Kenny Spade on February 5, 2008