Attract clients, speaking gigs, and media interviews with the new bios you write at the Bye-Bye Boring Bio Action Workshop.
During this session, you will be guided to create at least one amazing bio to serve your business interests - and more if you are truly motivated:
* Client-attracting bio
* Speaker-gig attracting bio
* Speaker introduction
* Media attracting bio
* Sassy media profile
* Short blurb bio
* Article "bio box"
* Twitter profile
* Two-sentence radio show introduction
You'll enjoy:
* The newly expanded second edition of Bye-Bye Boring Bio. It is packed with easy to use and road tested templates and worksheets that open the door for your perfect bios to just about write themselves.
* Access to Nancy's bio writing genius to find the right words that reflect your brilliance so the marketplace and the world can celebrate
* Collaboration with like-minded business owners, including immediate bio feedback
* The opportunity to connect with new people who could become your newest clients
* Delicious refreshments to fuel your creativity - tea, premium chocolate, and more
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on October 26, 2010