4501 Woodway Dr
Houston, Texas 77024

Butterflies are the flying jewels of the garden, yet photographing a butterfly can be a challenge. Join professional photographer Kathy Adams Clark in this 9 a.m. class on Tuesday, April 26 to learn the techniques needed to capture great photos of butterflies. The day begins with an hour inside where students will learn how to use the light meter to get proper exposure, how the shutter speed and aperture work, tips on making the photo look better and a little on butterfly behavior. The remainder of the class will be outside on the Arboretum grounds photographing butterflies.

Class Instructor Kathy Adams Clark is a professional nature photographer whose work has been published in a variety of national and regional publications including National Geographic Books, The New York Times, and Sierra. For more information about this class, including a link to register, please visit: http://www.houstonarboretum.org/photographing_butterflies.asp, or contact the Houston Arboretum directly at (713) 681-8433. For more on other great happenings in Houston, visit www.LTBaeehr.com

Added by LBPR on April 15, 2011

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