How many times have we heard the expression "self-fulfilling prophesy" or "seeing the world through rose-colored glasses"? The truth is that we all live self-fulfilling prophecies every day! Many people talk about how we create our own reality; few people put that statement into a practical way to experience life. That's what this session is all about.
This 4-hour workshop provokes new ways of thinking and provides insights that will expand possibilities. And, it is all about you and how your life experiences:
*shape your listening
*define communication breakdowns
*influence your decision-making
*determine the things you're attracted to
*create those challenging "hot buttons".
This rich, experiential program provokes new ways of looking at how you live your life. It provides tools for recognizing ways you unwittingly impose limitations on yourself and others. You will go through a series of exercises designed to uncover your filters that form your perceptions. Each exercise is followed with discussions about how they influence listening skills, the way we see ourselves and others, manage ourselves and others, interpret daily events, give and receive feedback, and how we handle difficult situations.
Program Results
By the end of this program, you will:
*Have an increased awareness of how your unique life-experiences shape perceptions and interpretations of events
*Be able to describe many of the root causes of communication breakdowns and how they relate to your filters
*Be able to describe how these filters influence your decision-making process
*Be able to explain how life experiences define the things we're attracted to
*Be more effective in managing the "hot buttons" that underlie your emotional reactions.
$90.00 Call 617-886-5165 for registration information.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on August 24, 2007