TBA in SF near SBC Park
San Francisco, California

Pre-Dating presents:

Busy, Single Professionals - Try Pre-Dating

Tue, Oct 19, 6:30pm-10:00pm, San Francisco

MORE INFO: http://www.pre-dating.com

Busy and Single? Try Pre-Dating.com and have up to 13, 6-minute Pre-Dates in one evening.

Everyone's been talking about it and you've probably seen the concept on popular TV shows but have you gone to one yet? Pre-Dating is a fun and efficient way for busy singles to meet. You'll meet up to a dozen others in your age and interest group through a series of six minute "pre-dates" at a local club, café, or restaurant. We facilitate the whole thing so there's no awkwardness, no pressure, no embarrassment and no games...just great fun!

October 19th near SBC Park in San Francisco - and in San Jose at Santana Row on October 25th.

Tuesday, October 19

San Francisco - Near SBC Park - Events Also in Downtown San Jose
Specific address given after registration

$33 - $35 and may include drinks depending on the venue.

Website: http://www.pre-dating.com
Email: trisha@pre-dating.com
Phone: 408-406-2035

About Pre-Dating:
Pre-Dating is the country's largest speed dating company. You will have 13 - 6 minute dates in one evening.

Added by nancytubbs on September 29, 2004

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