305 N California Ave.
Palo Alto, California

Rooting and Uprooting: Cultural and Political Landscapes in Israel/Palestine

Devorah Brous, BUSTAN Founder
Ra’ed Al-Mickawi, BUSTAN Director

BUSTAN is a partnership of Jewish and Arab eco-builders, architects, academics, and farmers promoting social and environmental justice in Israel/Palestine.

Devorah and Ra'ed will discuss the political ecology of the Negev and help us recognize what is unrecognized in this marginalized part of Israel – an area populated by Jews and Bedouin. How can environmentally-conscious development projects remap the current plan for development of the Negev, which is irreversibly impacting landscape and ancient desert cultures? What can we do to catalyse and steward a healthy and sustainable connection with the land and all of its people? Come and learn about BUSTAN (which means ‘orchard’ in Hebrew and Arabic) and the Negev Unplugged Grassroots Advocacy Project.

$5 - $15 suggested donation.

Co-sponsored by:
Peninsula Peace and Justice Center ~ 650-326-8837 ~ www.PeaceandJustice.org
Jewish Voice for Peace - South Bay ~ southbay@jewishvoiceforpeace.org
Multifaith Voices for Peace and Justice ~ www.multifaithpeace.org

Official Website: http://www.PeaceandJustice.org

Added by ppjc on October 3, 2007

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