2101 Mariposa Street
San Francisco, California 94107

An afternoon of community, fundraising & pink!

“Art Bra” Silent Auction
“Pick A Prize” Drawing
Games & Refreshments

Take the Change Challenge!
Bring us all of your spare change

Tickets: $5.00 at the door
Attire: Think Pink!

Bring your neighbors, co-workers, family & friends to this celebration of community. Since 2003 the Warming Hut Hotties, a team of ordinary women and men, have raised over $1.9 million for the breast cancer cause. Our team goal is to raise $300,000 for the San Francisco Breast Cancer 3 Day this year alone.

We hope to inspire you to give big and help us raise thousands of dollars in one afternoon. The Warming Hut Hotties team extends camaraderie, deep humor and a shared vision for a world without breast cancer In Our Lifetime.

The silent auction will feature “art bras” decorated by local artists, designers & businesses.

The net proceeds will go to:
Our Breast Cancer 3 Day Team: http://tinyurl.com/55hrk2
and Shoulder to Shoulder - a walker mentoring program through In Our Lifetime 501(c)3 non-profit status pending

To donate items or volunteer please email: warminghuthotties@sbcglobal.net
Find us online at: www.warminghuthotties.com
RSVP here: http://tinyurl.com/bustitout

Official Website: http://warminghuthotties.com

Added by warminghuthotties on July 31, 2008