111 West Main Street Suite 140
Carmel, Indiana 46032

Carmel , IN – The Carmel Redevelopment Commission, in partnership with the Arts & Design District Business Association of Carmel (ADDBAC) and Rock the District event committee, is currently offering sponsorship opportunities for any Carmel or surrounding area businesses to be part of this year’s Rock the District event. Rock the District is a free community-wide music festival and shopping extravaganza scheduled for Saturday, July 11, 2009 from 12 – 9 p.m.

Last year’s event attracted more than 12,000 people from throughout the state of Indiana to the Arts & Design District. The highly anticipated third annual Rock the District event is expected to draw even larger crowds as the already popular venue will have an expanded festival sales footprint including additional space for food vendors and three stages of music throughout the day.

There are various levels of sponsorship to accommodate many types of businesses wanting to be involved with the 2009 Rock the District event. Sponsorship levels start at a number of $150 “Front Row” sponsorships with Title and Presenting sponsorships available as well. Every sponsor receives space at the event to sell products or promote their business.

Those businesses wanting to be a part of the district-wide sidewalk sale are encouraged to take advantage of the $150 “Front Row” sponsorship level with benefits including table space the day of the event as well as acknowledgements on the Carmel Arts & Design District “Rock the District” website and day-of-the-event signage (if received by sponsorship deadline of June 12, 2009). Forms and registration for the “Front Row” sponsorship can be downloaded at www.carmelartsanddesign.com/rockthedistrict. Forms and registration for Front Row sponsors wishing to be part of the sidewalk sale are due by June 12, 2009.

For details on the additional levels of sponsorships or for 2009 Rock the District general event information, please contact Megan McVicker at 317-571-2791 or mmcvicker@carmel.in.gov or visit www.CarmelArtsAndDesign.com.

Andrea Stumpf, Communications Manager

Carmel Redevelopment Commission

Arts & Design District Office

111 W. Main Street, Suite 140

Carmel, IN 46032

Phone: 317-571-2790

Fax: 317-571-2789

Official Website: http://www.CarmelArtsAndDesign.com

Added by Pendleton-Gazette on April 4, 2009

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