Jakarta, DKI Jakarta

Produce English-language documents that any reader can easily understand and that achieve your intended results.

This seminar is specifically designed for nonnative English-speaking business professionals. In three days, you’ll learn an overall approach to and practical techniques for creating effective business documents while focusing on applying correct English grammar, usage and syntax. As the language of global commerce, the ability to write in English is essential to success in business today.
How You Will Benefit

* Assert your purpose in a document using the appropriate tone and style
* Write and organize effective paragraphs expressing your self clearly and precisely
* Recognize and write effective English sentences
* Distinguish and apply correct English grammar and usage
* Revise and edit documents professionally
* Differentiate commonly confused words and terms

What You Will Cover

* Select the elements appropriate for each type of document
* Describe the importance of knowing your audience
* Define and apply the qualities of a good paragraph–emphasis, unity, coherence and variety
* Recognize various principles for ordering paragraphs and select the best one for a specific purpose
* Apply basic parts of sentences–subjects and predicates for better style
* Apply basic principles of English grammar, usage and vocabulary
* Use correct punctuation, capitalization, abbreviations and number formats
* Action Planning

Who Should Attend

Nonnative English-speaking business professionals who would like to improve their fundamental business writing skills.
Extended Training Description

Learning Objectives

* Convey Ideas and Information with Clarity and Precision in Memos, Letters, Reports, and Other Business Correspondence
* Review Guidelines for Standard English Grammar, Usage, Punctuation, Capitalization, and Verb Tenses
* Replace Outdated Business Language with Modern Terms
* Use the Appropriate Style and Tone for Your Correspondence
* Proofread and Edit with Greater Ease

Modern English Usage

* Avoid Common English Usage Errors
* Clarify Understanding of Words Often Used Incorrectly
* Learn Correct Prepositional Endings
* Identify and Omit Redundant Words and Expressions
* Recognize Troublesome Spelling Areas

Building Up Your Vocabulary

* Increase Your Vocabulary of English Words
* Understand How Latin and Greek Roots Are the Basis of Most English Words
* Recognize How Many English Words Are of Foreign Origin
* Achieve Greater Business, Legal, and Cultural Word Power
* Learn and Correctly Use Popular Cliches and Euphemisms
* Learn 200 New Words Essential to Effective Communication

Understanding English Language Structure

* Review the Rules for Standard English Grammar
* Understand the Various Principles of Subject and Verb Agreement
* Recognize When Troublesome Subjects Lead to Incorrect Verb Tense
* Avoid Confusion That Results from Collective Nouns, Words That Measure, Plurals and Irregular Verbs
* Distinguish among and Use Various Verb Tenses According to Standard English Guidelines

Learning the Specific Uses of Pronouns, Adjectives, Adverbs and Articles

* Understand How the Various Pronouns Function
* Learn How and When to Use Comparative Adjectives and Adverbs
* Review the Uses of Articles in Sentences

Building Better Sentences

* Learn to Identify and Correct Faulty Sentence Fragments, Comma Splices, and Run-on Constructions
* Learn How to Create Sentences That Clearly Express Relationships of Ideas
* Avoid Writing Sentences That Contain Faulty Comparisons and Omissions
* Recognize Misplaced Modifiers and Phrases
* Achieve Parallel Structure among Sentence Elements

Punctuating to Perfection

* Review Guidelines for Correct Use of Punctuation in English Sentence Structure: Comma, Semicolon, Colon, Dash, Apostrophe, and Hyphen

Learning Capitalization and Using Numbers

* Understand the Rules for Correct Capitalization of English Words and Phrases
* Recognize When to Write Numbers as Words and Figures

Writing with Greater Ease, Clarity, and Precision

* Become Familiar with Principles That Will Ensure Effective Business Writing in English
* Understand Ways to Overcome Writer’s Block
* Learn How to Meet the Reader’s Needs and Expectations
* Organize Ideas for Emphasis
* Understand the Appeal of Familiar Words and Simple Worded Expressions
* Learn Techniques for Achieving Smoother Flow of Ideas in Sentences and Paragraphs
* Understand the Value of Linking Words and Phrases
* Avoid Awkwardness and Wordiness
* Review Techniques for Avoiding Writing Sentences Containing Static Phrases, Verbal's, and Roundabout Terms
* Recognize Archaic English Words and Expressions
* Write with Style and Proper Tone to Ensure Diplomacy in Business Writing
* Create Successful Memos, Letters, and Reports

Developing Better Editing and Proofreading Skills

* Ensure Readability Using Proven Techniques for Successful Proofreading and Editing
* Recognize, Edit, and Avoid Sexist or Negative Remarks
* Achieve Greater Precision in the Polished/Final Draft
* Know How to Meet the Needs of Your Boss When He/She Edits Your Writing without Explanation

Official Website: http://www.focustraco.com/index.php/tm-training-schedule/details/72-110202

Added by training.focus on March 15, 2009

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