Open to Everyone!
*Are you looking to connect with other Business to Business professionals?
*Do you have a Business to Business company you'd like to feature and tell others about?
*Surround yourself with business professionals who can and will support you.
*Connect with professionals who are positive, inventive and resourceful.
Join us for a fun and inclusive experience that will be a productive use of your time.
Event Agenda:
4-5:30 mixing and mingling
5:30 - 6:15 two "Accelerated Networking" rounds
6:15-7 more mixing and mingling
We want to meet YOU!
You will be able to:
*meet several other B2B professionals
*tell us about your business and ask for what you need
*help others by sharing your resources, contacts and ideas
You have the opportunity to display your products and services at the event:
A limited number of display tables are available to showcase or sell your products and services. The fee is $75.00, nonrefundable. The display table fee is in addition to the registration fee.
Facilitator's Information:
Kristy Rogers
(408) 288-8484
Email: kristy@kristyrogersconnects.com
Official Website: http://kristyrogersconnects.com
Added by FullCalendar on April 19, 2011