9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, California 92093

Business School INSIDER Event/Forum

Monday, July 16th – 6:30pm to 8:30pm

UCSD – Basic Science Building, Liebow Auditorium - www.ucsd.edu/map

***Beverages and Light Snacks after the event***

***Kaplan GMAT Classroom Course Raffle after the event***

Do not miss Kaplan's Annual Business School Insider Event & Forum! This is an amazing opportunity for you to hear from a panel of Business School Admissions Officers, Alumni, and Professionals about how to get the inside competitive edge on the Business School admissions process. Confirmed panelists include:

- Rady School of Management, UCSD

- San Diego State Graduate School of Business

- University of San Diego School of Business Administration

- Cal State-San Marcos College of Business Administration

- California School of International Management

- Rady School of Management alumni and current students

- Stellar Kaplan GMAT teacher

For more information or to register, call 1-800-KAPTEST or visit www.kaptest.com/businessinsider. Enter your zip code to find the Insider Seminar nearest you.

Official Website: http://www.kaptest.com/businessinsider

Added by kaplansandiego on June 29, 2007