If you're interested in obtaining a business loan, the first question you'll be asked is, “Can we see your business plan?”
This workshop will get you started on your business plan and explain how to prepare one. You'll learn how to: translate your business idea into a strategic plan, refine product offerings into salable solutions, and maximize your competitive advantage.
If you're already in business, and the enterprise is facing significant challenges - this workshop will take you back to the basics and question its basic strategic business plan.
Have you correctly identified the Market Need? Are your Products a Solution to this Need? Is your organization completely Aligned with this Market? These are just several questions you'll be asked to answer in this first step of preparing a business plan - What is your business concept?
You'll also leave this seminar with a complete and detailed understanding of how to prepare a comprehensive business plan. But writing a business plan can be a daunting and arduous task. So what should someone do? Resist hiring someone to write "your" business plan.
Take this seminar and identify the key elements of your business, and work one-on-one with a personal SCORE counselor in taking the first practical step of preparing a business plan. SCORE offers free one-on-one, individual counseling for any organization.
So what is the first practical step you should take in writing a business plan? We can't tell you here, but we know you'll find it useful - register now and find out how you can get started immediately on your business plan simply, and easily.
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/148867266
Added by Eventbrite mshas events on October 14, 2008