5655 Hillsdale Blvd., #18,
Sacramento, California 95842

This a weekly seminar every Thursday for4 consecutive weeks.
This weekly seminar series is designed to assist the entrepreneur with writing a Business Plan covering essential topics as follows:

Mtg #1: Introduction/Business Concept

Mtg #2: Marketing

Mtg #3: Operations

Mtg #4: Budgeting/Financials

Because the series is designed in sequential order, attendance at Mtg #1 is mandatory to attend the remaining seminars. SCORE counselors will also be available at the seminar to provide individual assistance. Seating is limited.
NOTE: Participants who prepare a Business Plan will receive a 50% rebate on the cost of the seminar. To receive the rebate, the Business Plan must be approved by a SCORE counselorwithin 90 daysof the end of the seminar series. The seminar leader will describe how to receive the rebate.
Who Should Attend
This series of workshops is designed to help new owners complete an initial business plan. It is also suitable for existing business owners who need to update their business plans.
Prepare a Business Plan the easy way! Under the supervision of experienced counselors you will prepare or update your business plan. We will provide you with a business plan template, instruction in how to prepare each section of the plan, class-time to work on your plan, and a review and critique of your draft.

Organized by SCORE Sacramento Chapter
Main Office 4990 Stockton Blvd Sacramento, CA 95825 916.635.9085 tel 635.9089 fax email: tway@ch2m.com

Ticket Info:  
  • On-Line Registration ($15 discount), $120.00
  • Mail-In Registration (Office Use Only), $135.00
  • At-the-Door Registration (Office Use Only), $135.00
  • Voucher Registration (Office Use Only), $135.00

Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/222258782/upcoming

Added by eventbrite-events on March 17, 2009

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