The Business of Photography School
By Jeff Cowell - wichitaphotographers.com
March 21 to April 11, 20094 Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
A 4-week hard-hitting crash course about the Business of Photography
This School will be 24 hours of serious business. We will be covering a vast array of topics that you must be on top of if you'replanning to get into a photography business.This is a business school that's been custom tailored to more specifically address the concerns of photographers. Your tuition includes a nearly 100-page book covering all of these topics:
Pricing my services
How do I price my services?
What is your time worth?
Time before the job
Time on the job
Time after the job
Time when there is no job
So, how much per hour is all that?
Considering the costs
Consider the costs all of them!
The costs of shooting film
The costs of shooting digital
Additional expenses
Rent or mortgage
How many hours will you have to work?
And the rest of the costs
So, Im charging how much?
The products we sell
What are my products?
Pricing prints
Making your own prints
Lab closings
Digital image sales
Price your competition
Equipment budgets
On-site shooting
What equipment do I need?
In-studio shooting
What equipment do I need?
Optional stuff
Taxes, accounting and professional consultants
Sales tax
Understanding sales tax laws as they relate to your business
Income taxes
Self-employment tax
Your personal tax burden
Your tax burden as an employer
Common deductions
Other expenditures
Depreciation and amortization
Attorneys and contract building
Retouching and post-production
Printing, mounting and framing
The home office
Expense ledgers
Chart of accounts
Profit centers
Job cost accounting
Profit and profit margin
Financial statements
Delivering the product
Contact sheets
Online proofing
The post-production process
Image handling
Raw verses jpg
The editing process
Getting the order
Digital proofing
Packaging and advertising
Business cards
Letterhead, bags and folders
Proof books
Mass mailing
Telephone directories, newspapers and billboards
Television and radio advertising
Targeting your advertising
Photography is an art form
Get involved with other photographers
Go places
Shop your local camera shops
Adding fuel to the fire
Your best advertising: hands-down
Enjoy the journey
We'll do our classroom lessons for6 hours each day in the lovely and well-appointed conference rooms at Office This on East Harry St in the old Wichita Mall complex. Please be prepared to be in the classroom and ready to go at 9:00 each Saturday. We've got a lot of material to cover and we'll need every minute we can get in the classroom.
Register Early - Space is limited. This School is likely to offered only once per year and this is the first time in 3 years that it has been offered. So if you're on the fence about it, just beware that you may have to stay on that fence for at least another year.
Please come prepared to take lots of notes in addition to the textbook you'll receive.
Organized by Jeff Cowell - Kansas
Jeff Cowellusphotographers.com316-771-7509
Providing photographic education opportunities.
Photography Seminars
Photography Classes
Photography Workshops
Photography Field Trips
Photo Excursions
One-on-One Tutoring
Ticket Info: - Non Member Rate, $256.25
- Members - usphotographers.com, $205.00
- Catered Lunch for all four weeks., $49.20
Official Website: http://photobusiness0903-upcoming.eventbrite.com