Join us on Tuesday February 10th from 6-9pm for an evening of business networking for anyone looking to make some excellent connections. As the saying goes, It's not what you, it's who you know.
Senor Sol will have some great drink and appetizer special just for our group. Nobody should have to network on an empty stomach.
If you are not already a member of the Ryze Milwaukee Network, why not to join today?
RSVP in advance to save yourself a few bucks.
$7 for Ryze Gold members who RSVP for themselves only by 4pm, Feb. 10th (we'll know you're Gold at the door)
$10 for and members who RSVP for themselves only by 4pm, Feb, 10th
$15 for non-Ryze and anyone just showing up at the door.
Added by mkemichael on January 27, 2004