Course facilitator:
Dr. Alexander Osterwalder, PhD: author, speaker & advisor on business model innovation
Alexander Osterwalder is a freelance author, speaker and workshop
facilitator on the topic of business model innovation. He
coachesexecutives, entrepreneurs and consultants around the globe to
help them better understand how they can transform their business
models. Dr. Osterwalder has developed a systematic approach to business
model innovation, which is applied in companies such as IBM, Deloitte,
Ericsson, and Telenor.Previously, he helped build and sell
management consultancy Arvetica, a boutique advisory firm that
accompanies top management in the private banking industry. Dr
Osterwalder has also contributed to building-up a globally active NGO based
in Thailand working on HIV/AIDS & Malaria, worked as a teaching and
research fellow at the University of Lausanne, Switzelrand, wrote as a
journalist at therenownedSwiss business magazine BILANZ and launched
a start-up in the field of finance.
Osterwalder holds both a Master's and Ph.D. from the HEC Business School of the University of Lausanne, Switzerland. He is currently working on a book on business model innovation with Prof. Yves Pigneur of University of Lausanne, and blogs regularly at his Business Model Design and Innovation blog.
Disruptive Models from ULURU Amsterdam on Vimeo
Who should participate?
Managers, entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, business strategists, consultants, academics, students, venture capitalists.
After this workshop you will: Understand why it is becoming indispensable for senior executives and entrepreneurs to master the art of business model innovation Be able to manipulate a simple but powerful and systematic approach to understanding, analyzing, designing and changing business models Know about the business design techniques that help you come up with alternative business models in your own particular competitive environment.
Are you interested in business models and business model innovation? Do you want to learn about a pragmatic and visual approach that helps you generate, sketch out and analyze innovative alternative business models? Then you will enjoy this workshop.
In todays global competitive environment business model thinking is an essential skill for every businessperson. A recent CEO survey by IBM shows that business model innovation is on top of the executive agenda. Entrepreneurs across industries are searching for the most appropriate business models to bring new and innovative products and services to the market.
Unfortunately, management literature provides little practical guidance that helps executives and entrepreneurs systematically reflect on business model design and innovation and generate alternative business models. This workshop addresses that gap by providing participants with a powerful, tested and pragmatic approach that assists business people in designing competitive and innovative business models.
Participants will learn how to use the Business Model Canvas, which allows business people to sketch out business models with a simple and common language based on 9 building blocks. This language can then be used to assess business models and come up with new and innovative business model alternatives. The approach appeals to senior executives, department heads, entrepreneurs and financiers alike, since all share a common need of identifying and implementing competitive and sustainable business models. We will practice the Business Model Canvas in break-out sessions during the workshop.
Throughout the day we will also study and discuss some powerful business design techniques that help senior executives and entrepreneurs generate new and alternative business models. The techniques we will look at include, among others, business model prototyping, visual thinking and storytelling.
Organized by Torch PartnershipAt Torch we think differently about the purpose and value of design. By
treating business problems as problems of design we are able to develop
a richer point of view on the problem itself. This creates a deeper
understanding of the problems dynamics, and leads to a diversity of
unique insights to the problem, its causes and its effects. Our
greatest ambition as designers is to improve the businesses we serve.
We focus our attention on creating alignment between your
organizations strategy and its design for creating value: from
structure to processes, communications and core capabilities.
Ticket Info: - Attendee, C$459.95
- Multiple ticket discount, C$384.38
- OCAD/Rotman/U of T/York - Schulich Faculty & Alumni, C$384.38
- OCAD/Rotman/U of T/Schulich Students, C$256.25
Official Website: http://bizmodelintro-upcoming.eventbrite.com