Tumiza Strategy Consulting invites you to their newest seminar; "Business Mastery in a Dwindling Economy". There are currently many seminars around the Bay Area touting what business owners have to do in tough times.
The problem is not that entrepreneurs don't know what to do; we all know that in dwindling economies we have to focus on increasing sales and on reducing expenses, especially reducing expenses! Yet too many business owners won't do a thing until it's too late! Astonishingly, 9% of all small and mid-size businesses are expected to fail this year. Let's do something about it!
The first principle of achieving anything is called "Mastery". Just like you just don't decide to climb Mount Everest one day and do it the next; there are things you have to "master" before we can attack the gigantic task of fixing a business in tough economical times. That's what this seminar is all about.
Don't let exterior forces dictate your business future. You can do something about it. Register now and learn how to Master your Business in a Dwindling Economy.
$29.95 online / $39.95 at the door.
Official Website: http://www.regonline.com/tumiza09
Added by FullCalendar on February 3, 2009
This has been moved from the 12th to the 19th; same time, same place.