1 General Recertification Credits
Social responsibility is a strategic HR issue. Organizations that broadly embrace their constituencies and adopt principles of social responsibility strengthen workforce affiliation, and customer and investor relationships, while enhancing community prosperity. Community prosperity is strongly linked to business success with business success dependent on vibrant communities.
Recent economic turmoil and growing economic inequality call into question a purely market-oriented doctrine with a narrow business focus on only financial return. There are alternatives that consist of socially responsible business practices, supported by enlightened public policy and thoughtful individual responsibility. Explore the need for such practices and the implications for organizations, and for HR.
About the Presenter
Ron Elsdon is founder and President of Elsdon, Inc. Ron specializes in the workforce and career development fields, providing organizational consulting, individual career counseling and coaching, public speaking, publishing and lecturing. He has more than 25 years of leadership experience at diverse organizations. He has also been active in speaking, writing about, and promoting a range of social causes. Ron is editor of Business Behaving Well: Social Responsibility, from Learning to Doing (Potomac Books, Inc., 2013), editor of Building Workforce Strength: Creating Value through Workforce and Career Development (Praeger, 2010), and author of Affiliation in the Workplace: Value Creation in the New Organization (Praeger, 2003). He holds a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Cambridge University, a Master's degree in Career Development from John F. Kennedy University, and a first class honors degree in Chemical Engineering from Leeds University.
Official Website: http://www.nchra.org
Added by FullCalendar on February 22, 2013