- What is social enterprise?
- Why is it timely to think about it?
- Directions to think about business and technology architecture and how they are rapidly co-evolving in the era of Web 2.0 and virtual worlds.
These are the discussion items for this meeting.
Our speaker: Doug McDavid.
Doug McDavid
Doug McDavid is an Executive Consultant with IBM's Global Business Services and Almaden Research Lab. He specializes in bridging the gap between business people and technologists, and is exploring methods of rehearsing services techniques in 3D virtual environments. He does business modeling and requirements definition for clients in insurance, utilities, telecommunications, manufacturing, travel, aerospace, defense, and education. He has 6 patents, and publications in IBM Systems Journal, the Handbook of Object Technology and others. He is a member of the prestigious IBM Academy of Technology, and serves on the Board of Directors of the New Media Consortium.
Official Website:
Added by ICTEU on April 8, 2008