4525 Collins Avenue
Miami, Georgia 33133

You are invited to


Saturday, March 18, 2006

First Lady Yacht
dock at
Eden Roc Hotel
4525 Collins Avenue
Miami Beach, Florida 33133

$50.00 Advance sales only
$100.00 V.I.P./Vendors
(Includes a vendor display table, business card featured in brochure and buffet dinner)
RSVP on our before March 10, 2006. No tickets will be sold after this date. Call the office, reply online to info@ssproductionsinc.com,
S & S Productions, Inc.
3600 S. State Rd. 7 Suite 325
Miramar, Florida 33023
Office: 954-343-0135
Cellular: 954-839-0915

Company Name:__________________________________________________________

Name: __________________________________________________________________

Telephone: ______________________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________________

City: _______________ State: _____________ Zip: ______________

Please fill out credit card information below:

Payment type: (circle one) Visa M/C AmEx Discover

Name on card: ___________________________Signature _____________

Card #: ____________________________Exp: _______ CCV#: _____
(last 3 digits on back)

Billing address: ____________________________________ Zip: _______

Added by www.ssproductionsinc.com on February 21, 2006