504 Broadway
San Francisco, California 94133

Join the Chamber for an evening of networking at the iconic restaurant and jazz club - Enrico's Sidewalk Cafe. Over the decades, Enrico's has been at the heart of San Francisco's entertainment and social scene, providing a home to a steady stream of bohemians, socialites and celebrities. Now the restaurant is opened for dinner with new owner, new chef and new look. Enjoy delicious appetizers and a drink while networking and making connections with other Bay Area professionals at this legendary San Francisco landmark.

$20 Chamber members, $30 non-members if paid by July 19; $5 additional after July 19 and at the door.

Register online at www.sfchamber.com, click on Calendar, then Business After Hours. For more information, contact nchan@sfchamber.com.

Official Website: http://www.sfchamber.com/eventsprogs/bizdev/programs_bah.php

Added by FullCalendar on July 3, 2010

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