258 Johnson Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11206

Bushwick Art Project Fundraiser at Asterik?s on Saturday April 8th

Raising funds for the June Festival

This neighborhood deserves its own festival on the regular, so BAP's got this together to raise the capital we need to make it happen right this June.

Holding true to BAP tradition, we?ve partnered with local legend Asterisk to bring you a night of live electronica, hip-hop, electro rock, and djs, with guests from Florida to Montreal and beyond.
Come support the BAP and help make the June BAP Festival a reality.

Live Performances By:
bruce wayne [midi mafia]
calmer [polyvibe]
civic [i.we music ]
dj methodikal [wordclock] ft. seismologist - Virginia / Bklyn
groove bros [bklyn]
handshake ft. lion [auxprocess] - Bklyn / Maryland
in loving memory [bklyn]
jrick [auxprocess] - LA
machine drum [m3rck] - Florida
mon.key.pod [210 cook]
pandatone [exercise1 / music related]
praveen [neo ouija / percussion lab]
rj valeo [type records]
sean smith [goosehound]
starkey [slit jockey / seclusaisis] - Philly
tenth gate music project [bklyn]

alex english [glitch]
caps and jones
dj spinoza [beyond / wolf+lamb]
patrick gallagher [sp9.org]

Late Night w/Loft-N-Space
eVa [loft-n-space]
Igal & Comtak [Loft-n-Space]
Dennis Rodgers [Robots, Alphahouse]
+ Loft-n-Space Special Guest

Visuals By:
rotem linial
daniel vatsky
ilan katlin
dan winckler

Event Date / Time:
April 8th, 2006
Live Music 8 pm - 2 am
DJs 2 am +

Event Location:
Asterik Art Project
258 Johnson Ave Brooklyn NY, 11206

$8 donation before 3 am
$5 donation after 3 am

[BAP] http://www.bushwickartproject.org
handshake http://handshakesound.com
Loft-N-Space http://loftnspace.com

Take the L to Montrose

Added by rjvaleo on March 25, 2006