Celebrate Pennsylvania agriculture, our state’s #1 industry, on January 9th, 2010. Join a merry group of Master Gardeners from Delaware County ’s Penn State Cooperative Extension as we journey by chartered bus to Opening Day of the Pennsylvania Farm Show in Harrisburg , PA. The $43:00 includes transportation, admission and morning snack.
The 94th Farm Show – themed Keeping Pennsylvania Growing – promises to follow the tradition of featuring the best in cooking demonstrations, educational displays, celebrity contests, and some of the state’s most delicious foods. For Farm Show info go to http://www.farmshow.state.pa.us/default.aspx.
Bus departs 8:00am from Granite Run Mall parking lot (near Ale House) on Baltimore Pike side; departs Harrisburg at 4:30pm, returning to Granite Run at 6:30pm.
Space is LIMITED, register early by sending your check made out to DCCE, Master Gardeners, to 20 Papermill Road, Smedley Park, Springfield, PA 19064. Call 610-690-2655 to reserve your seat and for additional information.
Added by GardenLover on November 25, 2009