Silent Auction, Global Exchange speaker. Art of Chloe Trujillo and Wanda Whitaker.
Bring the post card or go to - print and bring any page.
Get a $5 off general entrance and $10 off VIP.
Burning Man attire get a $5 off general entrance and $10 off VIP.
Every year, tens of thousands of participants migrate to the vacant heart of the Wild West, The Black Rock desert in Nevada to celebrate Burning Man. Without a doubt the experience is extreme in this lost world of huge heat, desert storms, no shade, and no shops. Everybody must survive by themselves by bringing their own food and hopefully their good spirit. These "burners" mix their urban culture with a certain type of improvised tribalism. According to Larry Harvey, the principals are simple. Radical self expression and creation are absolute. No money here. All is based on a gift economy!
Two Trailers of the film
Three Clips of the film
Documentary 85 minutes.
Global Exchange
Voyage in Utopia by the Black Rock Foundation.
VIP $35 general $15.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on October 20, 2008