506 N Main St
Belton, Texas 76513

Do you have a passion and desire that burns deep inside of you? Is that passion for God or something else? If you have been waiting to see God move in your life and don’t know where to start, Burn is a great place to begin.

As you explore the scriptures, you will find that the great pillars of faith all have one thing in common; they encountered God. Whether is was through a burning bush, Passover, a whisper, a prophet, a blinding light, or Christ himself, it was an encounter with God.

We invite you to join the college department October 6-7 from 8-11 p.m. for such an encounter. It will be a night of worship and teaching, where you will have an opportunity to worship God through song, prayer, art, fasting, or other various forms of worship. So please join us as we earnestly seek to encounter God as a community of believers. Everyone is invited - you need not be college-aged to attend.

In fact, why not start now? Pray and fast that God will work deeply in the hearts of all those who come, and that they will leave saying, “Did not our hearts burn within us…” Luke 24:32.

For more information or questions please contact Grant Hickman at (254) 939-0705.

Added by mattymattmatt on September 26, 2008

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