The Jigglewatts Burlesque is proud to present an eye-popping array of their most stunning numbers in honor of the Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend 2010. The evening is hosted by award-winning actor, singer, comedian and master entertainer Jade Esteban Estrada. Join Ruby Joule, Coco Lectric, Goldie Candela and Pearl Lux as they shimmy and glide through duets, solos, and reveal a dazzling new ensemble act!

The Burlesque Hall of Fameā„¢ is a 501(c)3 non-profit based in Las Vegas, Nevada, dedicated to the preservation and promotion of American Burlesque "as it was," including but not limited to the art, artifacts and personal histories of its biggest names and brightest stars.

Tickets- VIP: $15, General: $10. For reservations, email:
Tickets now available online at:

Added by rhaixa on May 12, 2010

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