5 General Recertification Credits
Abrasive people cost a business in profound ways - by causing chronic, department-wide dysfunction and creating interpersonal friction that demeans their peers, paralyzes productivity and disrupts the smooth flow of work. Organizations lose key individuals because it is so difficult to work with these abrasive leaders. HR professionals must deal not only with distressed employees who feel marginalized, but also with managers who are reluctant to take the bull (y) by the horns.
Gain a better understanding of why abrasives resort to aggression in the workplace and what your organization can do about it. Leave this hands-on seminar ready to successfully address bullying and avert chronic conflict that could put your organization at risk. Specifically, you'll learn practical techniques to:
* Create appropriate and realistic change with abrasive personalities
* Evaluate your current ability to address abrasive behavior
* Identify the difference between performance and conduct and why that matters to business success
* Implement targeted communications for this kind of business situation
* Use tools of self-management for ongoing success while under pressure from abrasives
About the Presenters
Patrick Reilly is President of Resources In Action, Inc., a firm specializing in executive coaching and consulting. He has worked extensively with leaders in the health care, financial services, technology and utility sectors for more than 25 years, internationally and in the U.S.
Tony Deblauwe is an accomplished human resources professional and Workplace Coach. He is the author of the award-winning book on dealing with difficult bosses, Tangling with Tyrants: Managing the Balance of Power at Work.
Official Website: http://www.nchra.org
Added by FullCalendar on October 13, 2012